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Friday, December 17, 2010

Capacitors can be self charged

From my simple experiments I found that a capacitor can be very easily self charged.

A video of me self charging a capacitor higher than the original voltage.

All you need is two capacitors and then just hook them up positive to positive and negative negative. To keep the testing fair I had both capacitors sit over night to get a resting voltage. The bigger capacitor had more power in it than the little capacitor but both now seem to at a higher voltage than what the bigger capacitor standing voltage was.

Why is this so important?
When you hook a battery or capacitors up in parallel the battery or capacitor with the higher voltage will try to charge the battery or capacitor with less voltage. So the higher voltage capacitor will drop in voltage while the lower voltage capacitor will go up in voltage until both equal out. The thing is that i'm not using the same size capacitors, i'm using different size ones so the bigger cap losses less but the little cap still gets full. Once a capacitor is full it becomes a open circuit and no more electricity will flow, this is what we're taught and it is correct but not complete. The capacitors when full will not lose anymore power but for some odd reason will spontaneously self charge.

I'm not talking about the dielectric absorption here. Dielectric absorption deals with you having a capacitor that is charged up and you then go and discharge it and for some reason it won't discharge completely due to it getting a bounce back in voltage after the capacitor been sorted out. With my setup you charge up the capacitors and you leave to sit over night and after that you don't "discharge" them but instead hook them up to a battery or capacitor. In a way my setup is to not destroy the dipole, a complete circle is made and for some reason a spontaneous self charging occurs.

The big question is why does a closed system allow power to come in?

Is it the magnetic nature of the plates of the capacitors allow a hidden power to flow in?

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